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Elma Alasdair by Deestracted

Elma Alasdair


Elma Alasdair
7 [21 human years]
Norse Hellcat

Another of my "main" characters! Probably the one with the darkest past haha.

I'll probably post a sheet of which parts of her body are actually metal! Cause trust me, it's a lot.

Name meaning:

"Elma" is Italian, and measn "helmet" or "protection"

"Alasdair" Variant of the Scottish name "Alaistair", meaning "defender of mankind"


Elma is, overall, quite pessimistic and very paranoid. She prefers keeping to herself, and is often found taking a longer route just to avoid contact with others. Any kind of social contact makes her shudder, which is why she spends a lot of time away from society and closer to nature. She can get quite violent, and isn't afraid to attack if she feels threatened, which can be quite the painful experience due to her metallic claws and tailtip.

Short biography

As a cub, Elma had no problem doing what she's unable to do now; socializing. Allthough she used to be quite small for her age, she was considered a normal child and a great and lively addition to her tribe. She would help out with just about anything and encourage just about anyone, always playfully. However, this all changed when she grew into her teens, and, unlike every other Hellcat her age, she had not yet grown any orbs. Orbs are a NH's source of power, not to mention pride, and having a daughter without orbs was considered shameful. Her father was a proud warrior from the west, who had moved to a peaceful village by the ocean together with his mate. Nobody was more disappointed in her than him. But he refused to throw her out, she had to be punished for ruining her family's reputation, and the punishment wouldn't be a merciful one. When he realized she was never going to grow orbs, he started beating her. He would bite and scratch and throw her around, until she either couldn't stand or begged him to stop. This went on for years, until he one day went too far, and managed to scratch one of her eyes so badly it was useless, so she had whatever was left of it removed. She started covering up the empty space from how ashamed she was, and how ashamed she knew her father was. He didn't stop. It went on until she was so bloody, ripped up and useless that her only choice was running away. One night she gathered the few things she owned, and ran off while her parents were sleeping. She ran and ran until she stumbled upon a human village, which was new to her. Due to her father not allowing it, she had never been outside of her own village, so she was naturally afraid of this new place, but it was better than home. Until everything went downhill. One cold winters day while she was hunting rats on the streets, she managed to slip on the ice and slide onto the road, where she was hit by a car. The impact pretty much crushed her entire right forearm, break several of her ribs and badly damage her face. Being the tough motherfucker she was, she managed to limp over to her hiding place, gather scraps and rusty metals people had thrown away, and used her knowledge of "surgery" to start patching herself up. During this process she also installed orb-like eyes in what used to be her eyesockets, while installing her headpiece. She was forced to remove her second, working eye to make it work.

She left the city years ago. The constant fear of the accident repeating itself and the endless amount of humans walking the ground she once called home made her paranoia even worse, and she eventually moved far, far away into an ancient forest miles away. She currently resides in an old, abandoned mine which hasn't seen workers for several decades, where she takes comfort in her minions and the wildlife around her.

Character Information



  • Link

    Very cool, like all the patterns and designs on the front leg, and the design of the wings are great