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BADGE EXAMPLE: coming soon...


DISCLAIMER *I have the right to cancel an order or refuse an order based on my own personal life and any issues that may come up. My promise to you is that I will inform you of any changes as soon as humanly possible, and with commissions, I will do my best to update you on the progress of the work and give a reasonable time frame of completion based on the complexity of the work itself. I will not refuse business based on race, sex, class, age, sexuality, religion, etc, and WILL treat all customers with dignity and respect. However, if you are giving me trouble and/or causing some kind of harm, I have the right to refuse doing business with you and report you for harassment.

How to Order

1. Send me a note on this site. Say hi! Chat awhile. Or get down to brass tacks, your choice. 

2. Tell me what you want and give a list of requirements on both characters and background. Be specific please! Ref sheets are not always required, BUT I PREFER TO SEE ONE! Makes it easier for me to get all your details correct. 

3. When your order is accepted, send the payment. I use PAYPAL. I will give you my info when you contact me. I WILL NOT START THE WORK UNTIL I RECEIVE PAYMENT! THIS IS A GIVEN! NO EXCEPTIONS~ 
Also, if you are using another currency, you MUST add or subtract the difference between your currency and USD ($$) before paying to ensure you are giving the correct amount. If you find you cannot pay, or some emergency comes up, I am willing to work with you. I can put you on a waitlist given that you are going to pay soon or at an expected date. But otherwise, I will not hold your spot forever. 

4. Once paid, I will begin your work and put you on my list of commissioners. Check back often on my profile to see the status of your work. I will also send you notes periodically to update you on the artwork if it takes longer than expected. I am more than happy to send you a WIP example picture to make sure everything looks alright! :) 

5. When it is done, I will contact you and send it digitally. I'll also post the art in my gallery. As for badges, I will talk with you to get your information if you prefer that I laminate it myself and send it via mail. Otherwise, badges will also be sent digitally.

6. Keep in mind, some drawings will take me longer than others based on my experience level, on details of the drawing, and my life outside my artwork. I work, I write, and I am fairly social. Which means I am not always drawing! :D

7. I will not use your artwork in banner advertisements unless I get your permission! I will always ask YOU first. However, I am at liberty to post what I draw in my gallery unless we have a previous agreement about an art piece being private. It is YOUR responsibility to alert me of this ahead of time.

8. You may not remove my signature from whatever artwork you purchase from me. If I see you have removed or altered my signature significantly, the artwork will be subject to removal from your gallery, and you will be reported.

9. In regards to re-uploading artwork I have made for you, you may re-upload to your gallery on this site and on other websites as long as credit is given to me as the maker of the artwork. You may NOT take credit for what I have made you. I also ask that you put a link to the original artwork page (here on FA) particularly if you are uploading this picture outside of FA. This is not required within FA, but it is preferred. 

WILL DO: General furry shenanigans, soft porn (masturbation/aided masturbation/oral) (no sex yet! MUST PRACTICE FIRST!), Tasteful Nude shots, Couples, Pin Up, babyfurs (clean), half human/half animal fusions, feral, pregnancy (clean), minor fetishes (must be discussed!), fantasy creatures, custom creatures and characters

WILL NOT DO: Water Sports (Urine), Scat/Dirty Diaper/Flatulence (for fetish or for humor; nothing against it, I have personal issues with this topic and wish to avoid it), Hyper Fur, Porn having to do with babyfurs/kids, Artwork bashing another artist/furry/person, mecha/machine (I'm terrible at this), rape 

MAYBE: Humans (I need practice, so if you really want me to give it a go, I will. Otherwise, I advise you go to someone else for now.) transformation, gore, vore, fat furs (I have to practice these first) 

GOLDEN RULE: If it ain't on the list, ask me!! 

Please understand if there is something I am uncomfortable drawing. It's not me making a statement about you. It's my own comfort level, and that's it. We all have our boundaries.

Other Important Notes:

REFUNDS: If for whatever reason I cannot finish your picture, I will give you a full refund within 10 days of your purchase through Paypal, provided my internet service is working and no interruptions occur (I will inform you if they do). If my internet is down, I will inform you via email or note on my phone ASAP. IMPORTANT: If I am making you a work, and you do not inform me within 3-5 days of purchase that you do not want it anymore, your refund will be cut down 50%. So please, let me know as soon as possible so I can use that time to work on other commissions. 

4. Please be mindful of my WILL/WILL NOT DO list. If it is not on the list, ask me about it! If I don't know what "it" is, please explain it to me. I'm not an all knowing furry. :) And don't be shy. I won't bite! 

5. I do not judge!!! PLEASE do not feel embarrassed to ask me a question about what I am able and not able to draw. I will not personally judge you or treat you differently just because I am not comfortable drawing what you desire. We all like different things, and I respect that. 

6. Show me the courtesy I show you. All I want to do is work things out. Disagreements happen, and I make mistakes like everyone else. I will do my best to make sure that I show you respect and humility as an artist. Please do the same.

Thank you! :)

Submission Information

Visual / Digital