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Wooper Loves You! by Wooper

Wooper Loves You!


A teeny little valentines doodle that I made and forgot to upload here. Wooper is everybody's valentine. :)

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Visual / Digital


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    What a cutie

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    I'm Finding Axolotls everywhere lately... I can now die happy. QAQb

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      They're the BEST! But I'm biased because I have some as pets. :D

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        QAQ I want to be you now so bad. The closest I get to one is once a week at a local Garden center, he lives in the pond there. I spend hours watching and drawing around him. How much does it cost to care and keep one as a pet? Also where did you get yours?

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          They're actually REALLY easy to care for! Here's the TL;DR on care: You need about 10 gallons per axolotl, and you can't use gravel as a substrate - barebottom, sand, or slate is totally fine. (The love to eat gravel for some reason, which obviously is really bad for them.) Other than that, you feed them everyday as babies/teenagers and then twice a week as adults, and they eat earthworms! You can also feed them bloodworms, blackworms, crickets, or sinking pellets. They prefer cold water (65 - 70 degrees) and are freshwater critters. :) Lifespan is about 10 - 15 years.

          As for cost, they are actually quite affordable! Depending on the color you'd like they go from about $10 - $25, and then you should expect to pay an extra $15ish more for shipping. I'm actually raising some babies right now that should be ready in a few weeks, so if you're really interested and live in the US I could totally sell you one. ^-^ Let me know if you have any other questions! Also this forum is amazing for axolotl information:

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            Thank you so much! While I can't buy one now, //I'm moving soon and going off to collage// I know the dorms allow tanks and fish, I might be able to Get some lee way. I'll still be living in the US so i'll for sure call you up when I'm able to get one and I'll be checking out the forum for sure now. All the people I know have always told me they would be hard pets to keep. then again none of them own one.

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              hehe, awesome! Axolotls make great dorm pets because they don't take up much space, and people seem to LOVE them. So you totally should! If you ever have any questions just note me and I'll get back to you. <3

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    Wooper is such a cutie! Love your character.

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      Aww thank you Charry. :D teeny axolotl hugs for you!