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Tundra Dragon - Redesign by Wilderwuff (critique requested)

Tundra Dragon - Redesign (critique requested)


yo so everyone on flight rising that i know hates tundras with a burning passion and i gotta say they aren't very well suited to the conditions they live in?? so i made a sorta fan redesign of them

Theses guys a little more suited for tundra life

Coat: soft insulating undercoat and coarse weatherproof topcoat--they have really thick wooly fur and it would be a lot of fun to cuddle omg

Paws: wide and furred so they don't sink into snow. They've got bearlike claws so they can dig through and get traction on solid ice.

Ears: more birdlike, and work sorta like a horned owl's (except not asymmetrical). Having fleshy ears like the normal design does would make frostbite pretty bad.

Eyes: Small, like the original design, but i added eyelashes because blizzards suck

Wings: Not used for flight anymore, but more for the regulation of body temperature. Under all that fur they could easily overheat--they might flap their wings or something to cool off, and sun themselves on a cloudless winter morning.

Since they're plant eaters they're not meant to chase/catch prey or really even fight--the fr encyclopedia mentions they have sharp canines for fights, and their sharp claws could also help them in any tussle, though getting through all that fur would also be a problem for any attacker. their wings might be seen as a vulnerability?? shrugs

But uh other than that yeah they still have highly developed smell and whatnot ahahaha im a nard

for those of you who understand biology better than i do, i'd love to see any other pointers you might have for making this guy a little more suited to an arctic climate??

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    I'm a little iffy on the wings actually, because while it would be a good idea that they could regulate body temperature, I still think they would have a very high chance of getting frostbite or freezing entirely- but the thing is that Flight Rising needs their dragons to have wings for secondary genes and accessories so... shrugs

    but this redesign is super rad, I like it a lot better than the current Tundras. I think the short and stocky legs are pretty damn sweet.

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      yeah, the only way i could see them avoiding frostbite in the wings is if they tucked 'em really close to their bodies or something?? but yeah the wings gotta at least stay for secondary genes

      but thanks dude! stubby legs are kind of wonderful

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    I do adore the tunders but you're right, they are really unsuited to an actual frozen climate. I love this redesign though, it still maintains the adorable muppetishness too!

    the only quibble I'd have is also with the wings, but since they're useless for flight, maybe covering the top of the wings with fuzz would work -- they could tuck in their wings into big fluffy armpit-pockets kinda to keep them from freezing, but stretch them out to expose the hairless underside to cool themselves off (or warm up in the sun)?

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      yeah--i see what you mean. their wings would get pretty chapped in a blizzard ;w; but thanks for the critique!!