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Velociraptor subspecies studies by Weeburd

Velociraptor subspecies studies


Sketches/studies of one of the Velociraptor races in the ever-in-development-hell dinosaur thing I have in my head.

This might be what Flight ends up looking like but egh, maybe. She looks too similar to Creek.

I didn't have a lot of reference on me so THEY ARE VERY WONKY and the wingarms are wrong by current thinking, so AUGH.

I did include fuzzy feets though.

Ignore the specific name, it was just tagged in as a spaceholder >n>

There IS some dimorphism; females are larger and a little more robust with slightly broader hips. Males have a solid black crown and nape where as females have a chestnut/reddish-brown crown and nape after the black forehead bit. No specific birds were referenced though woodpeckers kinda crept in and I was thinking of wader babies when I squiggled in the chick.

Not sure if dinosaur eggs were patterned like modern birds but I like that mottling so I dabbled on them >n>

I think this particular race was seasonally gregarious; they'd come together to breed and raise their babies in small groups but when times got harder they'd separate into either paired couples, small families or juvenile flocks to survive. Some other hunting species in my headworld live in pairs, alone or in family groups that follow those of kookaburras where older offspring will help raise younger offspring before either leaving or just staying around anyway.

This isn't really "true" paleo art as much as me trying to make a decently accurate if speculative dinosaur comic series some day so PINCHES OF SALT EVERYWHERE.

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    i always love your dino studies! even if their not true paleo, it's still interesting on the ideas :D another reason why i love dinos...they still leave a lot to the imagination.

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    There's only so much one can discern from fossils, the rest is filled by blanks. There's a whole lot of imprecision going on in animal illustrations left and right, some paleo folks are just a bit more vocal about it :D