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A Cookie Terror by Uluri

A Cookie Terror

An everyday morning at M.M.O. HQ starts off loud as usual. It's only 6am, and the sun has only just barely risen. "WHERE IS MY COOKIE!?" A roar of anger was heard throughout the house. The last cookie in the house was missing. The last cookie, claimed by Tc last night to eat as a breakfast snack. Her name was even written on a sticky note on the cookie jar.

She runs up the stairs back into her room and jumps up onto Morty and stabs him with the knife she keeps under the mattress right through the blanket. "Hey! Hey! You there! Did you eat my cookie?! I told you not to!" Morty awakens with the pain, a face of both suffering and annoyance.

It's only been a few weeks since Morty started living here. He shares a room with a serial killer who happens to not know what personal space is. This is the fourth time in three days that she's stabbed him with various sharp objects placed throughout the house. He'd have been dead already if he weren't a cyborg with self repairing abilities. It still hurts.

"Get off of me, psycho," he said as he knocked her off the bed, and pulled out the knife from his shoulder. He looks at the wound, already healing, then back down at Tc. "I'd punch you in the face if I could." (Morty can't touch Tc because he will get electrocuted on skin contact.)

Tc laughs to herself, "This isn't funny." She crawls back up onto the bed and looms over, "I was saving it."

"And I didn't eat it," Morty said as he shuffled around under the covers to turn away from her and lay back down. "Now get off of me."

"No," Tc says. She goes to give him a shock on his ear, but he wraps her up in the blankets and sits on her. "Aaaah! Get off, your heavy!"


The both of them look to the window where the sound of crunching can be heard. In the windowsill sat Reji with crumbs on his face and a big grin from one ear to the other. "You know, you two are really cute," he said with a snicker.

A Cookie Terror


The Cookie Terror: A Short Story

Characters: Tc, Morty, Reji
House Layout Here

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Literary / Story