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Personal - Road to Nowhere by TwilightSaint

Personal - Road to Nowhere


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Colored Sketch featuring a Bust of my Dinodog, Raze!

Just exploring some themes with this guy! Getting Raze out of his dark bar and into an open, big-sky-country type of setting. Funny enough, Raze the actual fursuit himself was on a similar 'road to nowhere' on the long trek to his new home.

Ooooooh, Colored Sketch? What is?! Colored Sketches are a new type of piece that I've been exploring lately! I've been wanting to nail these down for a while now, but always ended up with a very loose pure 'Sketch,' or a fully finished piece. I've been doing a lot of experimenting with these, and have really been diggin' how they're turning out!

These pieces are quick and easy for me to experiment with lighting, coloring, and new brushes! They're super quick for me to knock out too, and have been serving as great warm-ups prior to biting off big chunks of a couple of larger pieces currently in my queue!

This Bust of Raze is just the first I've posted - I've been exploring with other Bust styles and even a couple of half-body shots. I'm really looking forward to expanding on these, and offering them as quick-turnaround Commissions here in the near future!

*Character Stats: Raze - Doberman-Deinonychus hybrid
*Time Taken: 1-1.5 hrs
*Soundtrack: Talk radio
*Weapons of Mass Construction: Photoshop Elements

-Artwork & Character (c) TwilightSaint - Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited-

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Visual / Digital