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Seal Brown (Sold) by Therion

Seal Brown (Sold)


Owner: Tweak/Spyder #5896 - Equiverse

Lines by : Darya87

Rules to Art

Big Rule: Follow Darya's line art rules: Link Here

  1. Give credit to Darya87 for the fabulous line work. Give credit to me for the coloring! My Home on Weasyl.
  2. Can only be sold as sim currency! If you decide you no longer want it! It may not be sold for other currencies. Its mainly because I'm selling it for game currency instead of real currency. -2a. Please make sure the new owner follows the same sim currency rules.
  3. You may sell it for more then you bought it for. It would be to chaotic to figure out exchange rates.
  4. Please provide me with your info so I may mark you as the owner. Also if sold you must inform me of the new owners information. (Stuff where its posted, da as example. This is to avoid theft and give you protection.)
  5. Allowed to post off site and etc as long as credit is given.
  6. Please don't claim the work as your own. It takes time and effort to do these.
  7. You may edit it or revamp it. As big or as little as you want. Darya87 allows changes to the line work if that is the case.
  8. You may change the breed of the horse. You may chnage gender, name, species, and etc. What ever floats your boat.
  9. The sizes linked are the full size.
  10. What you see is what your getting.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital