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Sketches--Feeding Spider by SpiderMilkshake (critique requested)

Sketches--Feeding Spider (critique requested)


How to feed a giant Maranaga: Step one--have lots of dead critter on hand. XD

I mostly get fed via crane, now that I'm too large to survive on smaller things. ^^' Crane, or forklift. The majority of my food is roadkill that the Cryptozoo sends a truck out in the wee hours of the morning to collect, since it's cheaper and less wasteful and cruel than buying commercially-killed livestock. The truck guys will grab anything dead off the side of a road since there are a lot of carnivores and scavengers they need to feed, but anything really big and still fresh and intact goes to me... including this large beef. One whole beef! ^^ Of course, there's still a chance of the meat being a harborer of diseases, so all this roadkill gets frozen solid for at least 24 hours before nom time--and heated back up with a steam chamber to further kill off any ickiness.

First sketch is... "Alex...............fuuuuuuuuuuuuuud pleeeeeeeeeease..." X3
Second sketch is... Bring in the crane!!
The third sketch is... "MMMM, cow butt!!!" XD
Fourth sketch is... Almost done with din-din.
The fifth sketch is... well, the inevitable post-nom nap. ^^

I only really consider this pseudo-vore... ^^ Just nommage with some vorish elements.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch