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Table Time (My Art) by Rezorian (critique requested)

Table Time (My Art) (critique requested)


Wait, what's that? Something that isn't rated explicit? Crazy talk, I know, but bare with me:

Despite all the adult artwork i have commissioned and the general joking that goes on in the fandom, I actually do want to learn to draw. For what? Well it just feels like something I should do; I have ideas and some paper, possibly a pencil or two so I figured I'd try it out, despite how nervous it makes me.

Why nervous? Well, I've never had an art class since elementary school and just figure that I'm screwed because of it. After all, you can't build a house with no foundation now can you?

I'm going to try all the same though but, please, don't expect miracles of me.

Picture Facts...

Title: Dat Table (Because I'm a child trapped in a man's body)
Time To "Completion": One Hour
Materials Used: Blood. Sweat. Tears...Also printer paper and a pencil.
Proud Of It: ... Kind Of.

Background On It:
This started as a still life shot of my entertainment center, I hated how it was going since I royally screwed it up perspective wise and free handed a table with a computer and papers on it instead.

Note: I've marked it for critique and I appreciate anyone who chimes in on it but PLEASE keep in mind that I have no idea about art terminology or common practice so don't toss too much fancy talk at me. Like I said above, I'm not exactly well versed in all this

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


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    looking good in my eyes..definitely blows the living hell outta my own ability to draw...I THINK I showed you that super-shitty wartortle I did..right? you can only barely tell what it is..and that's just 'cause I used my left hand instead of my normal writing hand..(I'm right-handed, but learned that I had a steady drawing hand in my left hand oddly enough >.>)

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      Thank you Lykas. Trying to do at least one drawing a day of...well, anything really. See if I can keep it going.

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        I definitely look forward to seeing your art and your ability to draw flourish!

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    A lot of artists get their start with still-lifes, they make for good practice in trying to draw what you see (rather than what your brain thinks it sees). Drawing with your eyes is the first step towards drawing more palpable and realistic things, or even drawing more recognizable/appealing abstractions of things. A lot of cartoon artists go to art school and draw at least a couple of naked humans before drawing weird animals. :P

    If you're looking for guidance, I'd suggest the book "Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain" It helped me A LOT in high school, and I'd say my style and realism improved drastically with the help of that book and its exorcizes. Shouldn't be hard to find in a library or on Amazon if you wanted to actually buy it.

    It's kind of like playing guitar. You can't jump straight to the flying V electric and expect to sound like Van Halen. You gotta start with the essentials, on the less exciting acoustic, so that you could use those basic building-blocks to put together the metal riffs you wish to shred on electric axes. Or something like that.

    Anyways, not bad! <: Keep up the practice! It takes time and repetition, for sure.

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      Thanks for the input man, I really appreciate it! I'll Amazon the Hell out of that book soon enough.

      Be replying to your PM soon by the way: My phone has hit that magical age where more than a paragraph or two makes it, hmm, let's say "unreliable" to be kind.