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Hold me Through the Night by RamTheDragon

Hold me Through the Night


So to complete the Valentine mush-fest here is my little gift to my wonderful   kendrickj

Only I figured that it was a good idea to do a very personal piece with a medium I have never fucked around with before (charcoals) and expect it to look good, so sorry for the slopiness.

My kitty face, what can I possibly tell you, you are the most wonderful man in this world, it's almost been six months since you came to live with me and it still seems a little surreal, after so long of being apart. It feels me with joy to feel your touch before I drift to sleep, or to have your hugs when I am miserable and down. Only a man like you can put up with my fears and insecurities. I don't know what I did to deserve you, or how I managed to have you here with me after so long. It's the second Valentine's day ever we get to experience together in the course of more than 5 years and I never thought I would be so blessed as to experience such things.

I love you darling, you were worth the pain, the wait and the distance <3

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