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Pushy Panther by RaddaRaem

Pushy Panther


Art courtesy of VernonCross

"...What's that look for?" Russo dared to inquire.

Elbows resting upon her desk, the Yash Guild Master's thick tail thwacked at the bookshelves behind her with measured intent. Lips peeling back into a self-assured grin, Nadie's throat rumbled in delight. "Come now, Russo. You've lasted as long as you have through quick wits and the ability to rebound from failures that would have doomed any other. Surely you of all people would have the cumulative experience at your disposal to recognize even the simplest of patterns unfolding before you."

The human's expression flattened when the hulking panther before him steepled her fingers. "I think I liked it better when people blew me off as incompetent and untrustworthy," he groaned. Nadie knew he was capable of more and expected as much. Dammit. How dare she believe in him. A tired and heavy sigh, warm air brushing past his lips, dragged on until Russo's lungs were all but deflated. "You know. There's not a whole hell of a lot stopping me from just-"

"You will not survive the attempt," the panthress purred.

Well then. "...What am I being shaken down for this time?" Russo asked through his clenched teeth as the mage forcefully dissipated what little ether had gathered along his fingertips.

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  • Link

    Those grey patches really do a lot to round out her palette, I think! Nadie's never looked better. Or sassier! >:3

    • Link

      Indeed! Darkomi did a terrific job. That and you love her. |3

  • Link

    Rogue character? :B

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      Nope! Guess you could technically classify her as a Fighter. She is the punchy panther from before!