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Breakthrough - Chapter 2 - Page 38 by Rackiera

Breakthrough - Chapter 2 - Page 38


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Introducing the new style of Breakthrough. Twice the resolution, more detail, more effort and love into the expressions and perspective. (Can I just gush about how much I LOVE Tygressa's front view?! I'm normally crap at front views!)

Now, let me get something straight - this comic is not going back to weekly updates. Maybe even monthly updates. I am changing this comic to a strictly 'when I want to and when I have free time' basis.

The reasoning is that I never truly told all of you why I stopped; I kept saying I was busy, which I was, but that's not all of it. I was getting sick of it. I loved the characters and the story, but I was sick of drawing it every single day of the week. Sometimes I spent the entire day drawing, blowing off friends just to have time to finish the next BT page alongside commissions. It wasn't worth it anymore. So, I caved; I stopped drawing it all together. I couldn't deal with it anymore.

It's been many months now and while there were times I wanted to go back, I just couldn't will myself to until I was commissioned to draw On The Hunt. It sparked a bit of inspiration in my heart and made me remember all of you guys' enjoyment of BT, so I gave in and took a gander... and oh boy, do I love this page. <3 I think I can get back at it again.

I hope you guys enjoy the comic still and like the new style. :)

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Visual / Digital