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MGC 6: Onyx Flame Dullahan by Penlink

MGC 6: Onyx Flame Dullahan


MGC 6: Onyx Flame Dullahan
MGC 6: Onyx Flame Dullahan
Danger level: Very High

They are the last survivors of a lost civilization that searched for the secret of immortality while offending many powerful beings. They found the secret to it by assaulting those gods, but they were cursed for their actions. Those who sought immortality became monsters that created black flames from their bodies. Another side effect was their skin turning blue and their heads falling to the ground. In place of their head, spouted a black flame with a face.

Despite their changes, they are still considered to be living instead of undead.

Personality wise, these monsters are both lonely and possibly insane. After being alone for thousands of years they started to attack people with their black flames. While the black flame does not burn people, it will take energy from them. While their victim is spent of his energy, the Dullahan will caress them with her hands. The victim will feel pleasure from the small touches, but those touches are the Dullahan’s way of slowly ripping their victim’s soul out.

The Dullahan has two flame types with her.
The first is the usually the black flame. They can control these flames and use them to drain their victims first before they harvest their soul.

The second flame is the Onyx Will O’ Wisp. Once the soul has been removed, it will become a Onyx Will O’ Wisp. These dark wisps still retain everything they were as a person; however they cannot escape their master. Anywhere the flame goes too, the Dullahan may follow. Though the Will O‘ Wisp will attempt to scare or warn travelers, so they may avoid the same fate.

On a side note, an onyx Will’ O’ Wisp could transform into a ghost type monster; However the detail for their transformation are limited for now.

If an Onyx Dullahan is seen in cities call the authorities immediately.

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