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[F, Hyper, Tame] Lechette by MilkJunkie

[F, Hyper, Tame] Lechette


Sometimes life doesn't give you a fair hand. There are starving children in impoverished countries, there are people living under the thumb of malicious dictators, and Duke Nukem Forever was a terrible game. Then there's Milkette. She was Milkie until she was pulled from him, built from the ground up to be a bundle of living tissue that could walk, talk, and wonder why she was born in the first place. People treated her differently, some treated her as an object, and very few people could accept the idea that she was a prettied-up husk of living flesh.

It comes with its own problems. She gets sick a lot - influenza, pneumonia, stomach bugs galore to cite only a few examples - she can't have kids, and she's doomed to more rapidly become enfeebled by old age. With a life expectancy as short as hers, she may as well be living in the dark ages. But therein, an idea is born: why not live just a little longer? Or a lot longer?

Milkette has met so many interesting characters in her life but there are none she is closest to than Nori. That adorably feminine raccoon has a rough lot. Born into evil, he is expected to be evil, but it's not really his calling. He's a villain with a heart, and like her, he's a construct. What happened to the original Nori; who knows? But every day he's faced with his own mortality in the form of a multitude of cloning vats filled with formaldehyde and a back-up copy of himself should anything unfortunate happen. He and Milkette are birds of an artificial feather.

Evil he may not exactly be, but he delights in debunking the social norm. With his help, Milkette could easily live forever. All it takes is an old Gameboy and she has one solid phylactery in which she may insert the souls of others so that she might siphon their ability to live. The world owes her at least that much to keep her around until she's 93, but she's not exactly evil herself. Oh, certainly, the idea of having an undead army poised to wreak havoc on cities and countrysides is a great thought - what better stage is there for a grand, valiant, heroic stand to take her army down?

But, demons have souls, often those that don't belong to them - powerful souls to fuel her so that she might live aeons into the future, with powers the likes of which make mortal men quiver. And she does so enjoy it when they quiver~♥ But with those, she needn't bother the mortal world, and allow them to carry on living their soulful little lives while she bunks in Nori's castle.

Don't worry, the souls of those tempered by Hell's flames keep her plenty warm. If you can ignore the dead, staring eyes, she's really no different than before. Just remember that the term "long-term commitment" is a whole other can of worms to a pretty woman who needs your vital soul essence in order to live forever.

Leche means "Milk" in Spanish, and sounds a lot like Lich, so there you go.

Astral-projection glasses are cheeky and unnecessary.

Potential non-canon.

Art by Norithics

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    If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'. I believe that's a Spec Ops motto, though I'll be damned if I can figure out which branch.