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NiNi (N^2) Reference Sheet by Maylean Call

NiNi (N^2) Reference Sheet

Maylean Call

NiNi (aka N^2)
Species: A mutt mix between an husky and an arctic wolf.
Height: 4' 8"
Chest Size: 30DD
Personality: Kind, A bit airheaded, Hard working, Loyal, Selfless
Occupation: Mushing/Delivery Dog that often participates in sled races
Frequent Locations: Mountainous and snowy areas

History: Nini's birth is as much of a mystery as it is to everyone else as she was found abandoned within the timber forests of her home town, rescued by one of the local lumberjacks. Her beginning days were filled with doubt as her battered body fought against a progressing fever and malnourished from being left in the snow without her mother's care. It was assumed, based on her small frame, that her family had left her due to being a runt. The quickly on setting winter had already been harsh and food, which was scarce, was going to quickly become unavailable. However within his burly arms she was kept warm and nurtured from a wee pup to her energetic youth.

As she grew she became a bit destructive, as pups often do, and was quickly assigned to a delivery team where she was trained to be one of the mushing dogs. Her thin frame soon filled out, gaining toughened muscles that gave her runty body more power than the other dogs. She was small, closer to the ground, and could easily dig her paws in deep to push through the snow. Although this caused more problems when the snow was at it's deepest, she was easily one of the most powerful and strongest of her team and often brought up the rear where she was attached directly to the sled.

As she started to enter her adulthood racing became one of her focused hobbies. She would spend hours upon hours timing herself and pushing her body to the limits in order to get faster. It was then when it became her dream to finish first in the national sledding race.

Personality Depth: Nini often comes off as meek, although that is very opposite of her nature. She is confident and strong willed, but speaks very softly and pauses often before she speaks, causing her to semi-stutter and seem hesitant.

She is very happy with simply being around her team-mates and friends, listening more than speaking. When she does speak, her comments can seem simple and flighty as she doesn't really wish to bother others with her passions. However, if asked for in depth information of her hobbies she will get incredibly happy and energetic.

Because of her personality, Nini loves to do things for others and to make them feel happy. Tasks for her always seem small and easily done, even if they are rather difficult. She doesn't necessarily see them as tasks/trials but more as something that must be done in order to make another happy. There is no "not doing" something. This often will lead to her pushing herself too far and leads to few people abusing her kindness. This has never kept her from helping others, however.

Protecting others, especially those she loves and cares for, is at the top of her importance list. When in danger, or when protecting another, her wolf instincts come out in full-force, often producing what seems like a "snap" in her psyche because this is the only time when she will seem to have lost her temper. When fighting or defending she is very calculated, never getting caught up in her fear or anger so there is no fear of her "bloodlust" taking over.

That's it for now. I hope you all like Nini. She's a pretty cute pup I think.
I was glad I could upload this for you all. :3

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