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To Be A King by LoserFromNowhere

To Be A King


Marius and Xabier were out on a patrol together, Xabier shifted his bright Zoisite colored eyes as he listened to Marius' lecture on what it takes to be a king and how he has to behave and such. Marius watched the sunset in the distance, flaring his nostrils for any scent of another lion or lioness that wandered in his territory.

"Remember, Xabier, you must start building up your strength for when you are older. I took you in in hopes you would continue my legacy, but you must prove yourself worthy against me." Marius flicked his ears, listening to the quiet chirping of the crickets.

"Yes, Lord Marius." The young male was never one for words, he stayed quiet most of the time while older lion spoke simply replying in one or two words. Xabier shifted his bi-colored eyes watching the barren territory as the colors of the sky faded from yellows and purples, to a dark, dark blue.

"But what if I don't want to continue your plans? I really don't think your "project" is all that-" the adolescents words were cut off by a deep snarl, quickly lowering his body in a defense stance.

"Don't you DARE speak that way to your king! You WILL continue my project on breeding the most pristine and high quality lionesses; we are named the Pride of the Stars for a reason! Our sole purpose is creating lions to resemble the night sky that the very gods themselves will bow to our beauty!" Marius narrowed his glowing Bronze eyes as he growled deeply, "I did not save you from near death to defy my views, you WILL obey me or I will send you off to perish."

Xabier swallowed hard.
He slowly picked himself up, "Y-yes... Lord Marius..."

The two males continued on their patrol, though Xabier payed no attention to Marius' words anymore, he was lost in his mind preparing a plan on taking down Marius once he was old and weak.
No way he was going to put up with Marius' views on prides, he's just as crazy as Apedemak.




part 1: you are here
part 2:

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