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YO! You summoned me? Sweet. - SCHATTEN IS BACK by Klemi

YO! You summoned me? Sweet. - SCHATTEN IS BACK


"YO! You summoned me? Sweet."


I absolutely had no time and was painting like a maniac while listening to shit on YouTube when I stumbled upon some Naruto related stuff. And something in my mind snapped.
When I was eleven I painted my "own personal white wolf", so cool. Haha Then I got into the Naruto fandom. Like... wow. Looking back it's so funny! I was this Naruto fan kid and had an "awesome idea". Take the white woof. Put a Naruto headband on it. Give it a Sharingan (because why? Dunno. Because SHARINGAN) = MAGIC.SO ORIGINAL.
I'm not sure if it's plain hilarious or sad. haha
This is the magical story of Schatten's birth.
It's like watching an unicorn pooping. Maaaaaaagical. Ehm.

Schatten got many changes over the year, but this was her original design. Or.. somewhat like this. So I watched this Naruto stuff today and decided to redraw Schatten. I wanted to speedpaint every day, so hey... this is ok.

Let me tell you something about this character before I click the upload button here and go back to work.

  • Schatten (Naruto-verse): Schatten is a nin-ken of Kakashi. Kakashi only has male nin-ken, so I found it fitting to throw Schatten there. She is a very large wolf (?) who has the ability to speak like the pack leader pug-kun. Schatten is terribly possessive and always searching for challenges. She cooperates with pakkun and the team, but doesn't follow orders that are not the right ones in her opinion. Eh. Sooooo... She's a terribly bossy and snarly bitch who always craves for attention. Yup. Try to touch her fur -> "I will bite your hands off" :( hmpf. BUT she can be useful in fights. This is... something. She's a good fighter but has - like all the nin-kens - a limit. (Schatten is not a high powered kitsune or anything like that. "Just" a nin-ken. A nin-ken who is pretty moody and sarcastic.) Yeah. She also speaks sarcasm fluently. When summoned she appears in a black dust cloud. I don't know why. When I was 14 this emo style was a thing, so... I guess... black clouds were cool back then? Yay for emo! (Does that still exist?)

So. Hm. Schatten is the hell on earth.
But I like her. :<
She "was" my fursona. But now I realize how much she's still representing me. That's why I never could let her go :< my babyyy.
Sorry for not drawing you so often, Schatten ;^; Schatten rips my head off

ah D;
art and char belong to me

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    We were all weird Naruto fans before! >.< To be honest like the early episodes are still good, though that might be some rose colored glasses? But still they didn't go full DBZ on the series which made it unique.

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      aaaaah, I'm so happy to hear that! <3
      Yeah, you're right! I'm not sure if it's nostalgia that makes me remember Naruto in such a positive way. It was just such a big part of my childhood / teenage years. Could be the rose colored glasses!
      DBZ, oh my.... I heard there will be a new Dragonball series this year? :I

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        Basically GT didn't happen is what the new Dragonball Series is.
        Did decide to look at some of the newer Naruto episodes they still have all that positivity in it at the very least but man, they're really going full ridiculous on it.

        But yeah you should see my first OC back in 06. It was totally heavily inspired (Ripped off) of Naruto >.<

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          GT didn't happen? Oh, ok... :/ I'll take a look at that series, but well... I have mixed feelings about this!
          Oh yeah, you're so right! I also took a look at the newer Naruto episodes... now since everthing "is over"... more or less. Somehow it's still Naruto, but for me it also lost this naive charm it had in the beginning. With dumb team 7, their lazy sensei and amazing adventures / missions. Well, it developed I guess.

          aaaah, don't worry! I guess all our OCs from back then are just plain ripp offs. X'D Look at mine. This is the design from... eh... 2005 / 06 I guess. My OC even has a sharingan. (No clue where a nin-ken should get a sharingan from. It's ridiculous. Oh, and an ANBU tattoo... and so on) :'3

          Now I'd love to see a picture with ALL those crazy and old Naruto OCs out there! x3

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            HEHE! OMG! A sorta call to action. Bring us all your Naruto inspired OC's! Chances of that image stretching for at least a mile if not two?

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              aaah, sh*t. Sorry for my late reply! I have to be more active here ^
              Exactly! That would be GOLD! :D