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year of sketchbook arts--week 30 by keirajo

year of sketchbook arts--week 30



Only people who followed me on FA way, WAY back in the day will remember I was doing a mash-up AU series which was a comic book/cartoon/game-based series generically called "Project: Mobius 2013". And, yes, that was 2013 I was working on it. In theory, it was my own rewrite of where the SatAM series left off--set on one of the many Mobius worlds on the Cosmic Interstate (from the Archie comic), throwing in Sonic's siblings from that series that some people love to hate. Knuckles and Shadow were there, too--with their own unique origins for that universe (Knuckles was actually a stolen baby from the Echidnas in "The Dark Brotherhood" game, raised by Eggman and Shadow--at different times in his life). I redesigned the SatAM cast, tweaked the design of the main guys of Sonic, Shadow and the others--Sonia and Manic were Sonic's YOUNGER siblings in this universe. And actually, I was pretty happy with Sonia and Manic's redesigns for this series--a part of me wishes I had time to actually go back and finish this series. chuckle

While doing my "year of sketchbook arts" stuff, I came across my old character designs for this series in a folder and I thought--heck with it, I'll do a page with those guys on it. XD

Sonic characters and settings belong to Sega and the various companies that licensed the different media for it. :)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    How was it revisiting old projects?

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      I actually think I drew Sonia better here, than I did for any of the art while working on the project in 2013! :D

  • Link

    This looks so good! All the outfit details are amazing.

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      I did a universe with all the Sonic main characters in some kind of clothing (not just the girls), so I had fun kind of juggling styles between the cartoon it's based on, the old Archie Comic stuff and "Sonic Underground". :)

      Thanks so much! :D