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There in the Forest by Kamakru

There in the Forest


This is the illustration that I've been working my butt off on for the past several weeks to finish up. I started it last year, put in 20 hours and then felt like I lost direction in it and just couldn't figure out where it was going or how to fix it. I didn't want to just throw it away so I put it aside. Things started to come together once I added the water and stepping stones, and added in the woman. SO glad I stuck to it and didn't give up! It was hard to work through parts of really was. I felt like it was turning out horribly and I couldn't save it. But I kept working through it and it came through in the end. Hurrah!
(I maaaay still make some adjustments, though nothing too big. We'll see lol)

I had trouble coming up with a title that didn't 'force' a story. One thing I want to focus on in my work is making it more interesting by adding story elements, but I want the viewer to interpret the story instead of me just saying what it is. Is the woman asking the dragon for help? Is she a dragon keeper? A friend? Begging forgiveness? Is it a secret meeting? You decide! =]

I will have prints of this at Emerald City Comicon this year! I am up on the top floor, so don't forget to check out what's up there!

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Wow, this is simply amazing! Good work!

    • Link

      Thank you very much! ^_^

  • Link

    Stunning work!

    • Link

      Thank you so much!