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AJ Detailed Character Sheet by faithandfreedom

AJ Detailed Character Sheet



N a m e: Dennis Allis Jones

N i c k N a m e: AJ

S e x: Male

A g e: 1 yr

H e i g h t: 80 cms at the withers

W e i g h t: 50 Kg

C o a t C o l o r: Brown and White

M a r k i n g s D e t a i l :

E y e C o l o r: Greysih-blue

S e x u a l i t y: Pan

D a t e o f B i r t h: 26th of March

B i r t h p l a c e: Trenton, New Jersey.

O c c u p a t i o n: Professional Thief.

H o b b i e s: Stealing things and making money out of it. Sometimes he collects rare stuff he has stolen.

P e r s o n a l i t y: AJ is a very smart and clever asshole. He's really observant and plotter and thanks to this he can rapidly decide his preys. Also this helps him to get out of troubles. Being a quick learner makes things easier for him. He's a cocky bastard, full of himself, likes to put himself on airs and also being the center of the attention. He's quite vain yes. He's down-to-earth and loves to enjoy the simple pleasures of life (i.e. Sleep, food and sex). AJ's extrovert and a bit solitary. He does like company, but others easily get tired of him or simply start to hate him because of his self-centered personality. He can be cranky at times, especially when somebody asks him about his early life. He's childish and possessive. He's definitively not a nice guy to have around and he also loves to make others feeling uncomfortable.

God. I think I overworked on this and I can still see mistakes. But now that it's done I don't wanna see it anymore anywhere. I got crazy, it was never ending.

I guess AJ needed a good and massive ref though, since he is one of my favorite and I guess he is my most original character (he is a thief, has his own breed, is a punk dog whose Mohawk glows at night lol) and I ask people to draw him a lot, so here you go~

Artwork & Character belongs to me do not steal and bla bla bla

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