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Apartment WIP: Nightstand by DrGravitas

Apartment WIP: Nightstand


I still gotta work on making bend-over poses less awkward XP

Yes, I'm still working on the Apartment setting, though I haven't posted many WIPs lately. Progress is not amazingly fast.

The more assets I work on, the more I get the feeling the shadows are heavily muted by the extreme number of bounces by the lights, the overall size of the area lights, and the heavy reliance on Final Gathering. Adding baked Ambient Occlusion components help a lot without adding hardly anything to the render time. But, so far I've kept to mostly self-shaded AO to keep reusability up.

As for the nightstand, I am not thrilled with the design. It is rather bland but I don't have any better ideas at the moment. The shaders are alright, but the wood is expensive and doesn't sell the shape well, even with the AO layer. The body and drawer's plain white feels too... well, plain. I think it should be something darker but I don't know what I want it to be. Not wood, at least.

I am fairly happy with the marble. But, every time I do a new marble object, I feel like I remake my marble shaders. They never feel good, at least not immediately. Maybe this will be different, though. It incorporates some more subtle details that I think help it. It has a base layer of non-glossy paint that with lightly reflective flakes buried under the others. Combined with a simple noise diffuse layer it helps give more of a grainy feel to it. It has a slight translucency like marble should, but I don't know that it's well-tuned yet. Finally, it has a light-weight, high-gloss reflective layer to replace the one removed from the paint layer (since other colors layer over it). Overall, it seems less expensive than the simpler marble shader I started with, which had a very expensive, heavy-weight reflection layer and generally didn't seem to work at the right scales. I will have to run some tests in other environments with different objects and lighting to see how reusable it really is.

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture