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Eclectic Jedi by Doran Eirok

Eclectic Jedi

Doran Eirok

Honestly, I'm much more of a Jedi person than a Sith person. This is obvious to anyone who knows me. I'm much more prone to doing things based on truth and justice and light and hugs than anger and hatred and vengeance and general crankypants-ness. So if I were a Force-sensitive individual in the Star Wars universe, I'd definitely tend toward the Light Side of things.

But with all that said, the Sith have wicked cool fashion sense.

So, being the eclectic dragon that I am, I'm just gonna pick and choose the best of both sides. Good guy, blue lightsaber, defending peace and justice and all that... but I'm going to cover myself head to toes in black leather, too. Because any galaxy worth saving is worth saving in style!

Maybe some Force Lightning here and there too, but more as a practical tool than for electrocuting people. Video games have taught me that this ability is Extremely Useful ™ for jump-starting engines and stuff, after all.

And yes I'm going to carry a blaster as well, because it just makes pragmatic sense to give yourself options.

Photo reference used for the pose: an old 2004 photo Tarkara took of me dressed up in armour for a renaissance festival.

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