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Sileppa Bellydancer by Cowrie

Sileppa Bellydancer


Sileppa are an amphibious race in a setting I call Bogsea. The world of Bogsea is dominated by wetlands and vast oceans. Even though salt marshes and mangrove swamps are more common, there are still plenty of beautiful beaches on Bogsea, and that's where this sileppa woman has set up shop to dance for money. Most sileppa are a nomadic people, traveling the coasts and rivers between the towns and cities of other races in fleets of ships that, even within a given fleet, can vary from two or three person outrigger canoes to large sailing ships, and many shapes and sizes in between, as well as free-flooding-but-enclosed underwater vehicles* pulled by a variety of large domesticated sea turtle. When they anchor in a place inhabited by other races, the sileppa of a fleet make themselves busy working as entertainers (including dancing for money like this woman), doing odd jobs, selling goods they made or got from other stops, and sometimes stealing. A typical sileppa fleet is ruled by a "boss herm" that captains the largest ship, and is married to many of the females and sometimes other herms of the fleet. Herms are phyiscally larger and more muscular than females, and have proportially longer tentacles.

On the vore side of things, sileppa are obligate carnivores, though most of their diet is composed of fish and other seafood, with some land animals. However, they are all capable of swallowing large prey whole, and if a town they're stopped in has meat slaves** up for auction in the market, they have no problem eating the occasional humanoid. The same holds true for the fate of many who attack them at sea. Apparently, this sileppa woman made a visit to the market to take advantage of such an opportunity before going to work.

*These vehicles are used by sileppa to transport their young, who hatch as fully aquatic larvae, and do not begin to grow arms and legs until they are mentally the equivalent of a human five-year-old.

** In many parts of Bogsea, criminals deserving death are sold as "meat slaves" for more predatory races to eat, though in most of those areas normal slaves have some legal protections against being devoured by a predators, at least in theory. In practice, such laws are only enforced sporadically.

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