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Tender Moments (Saetia) by BlueKittyTales

Tender Moments (Saetia)


Reposted with kind permission from Saetia of FurAffinity. :3

February 2nd, 2014

In adult life, sickness was never a blessing. While Elizabeth had missed quite a few school days as a result of this, compromise was not a given with any employer. The night would come, illness would rip away, precious sleep would be lost, but despite still appearing at the hospital for her shift, her boss had instantly turned her away, not wanting to risk an outbreak of a contagious disease in the premises. Dejectedly, all she had been able to do was return home, but when she’d found herself too weak to stand up, having to crawl out of her car instead, she knew she was in no condition to perform any surgery. She was not the type of person who wanted to admit defeat to an illness so easily, particularly not as she was normally the one treating other creatures for a variety of ailments. Sneezing frequently, feeling the constant desire to sleep, barely any strength in her muscles, the lack of ability to stand, and what felt like her losing her sense of balance, to her, it couldn’t be anything other than Influenza.

By the time she reached her bed, she collapsed, and she didn’t wake up again until the evening had come. It was another hour before she had the strength to turn her head, feeling light but simultaneously as heavy as though it was made of osmium. The clock on her chest of drawers read 17:48. She could hardly believe it. She had slept for almost nine hours straight, despite not having been chronically deprived of sleep. When she moved her head again, she let out a sneeze, but before she could do anything more, she heard a voice that was at once foreign to her and yet as familiar as though it belonged to someone she’d known all her life. She lived alone – there wouldn’t surely be someone in her house, surely?

“Jinxie?” called the voice. In her state, it seemed like it was coming from the clouds, but when she opened her eyes again, standing above her was someone whose presence she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry about having. On the one hand, she was in an utterly hopeless state and appreciated the company, but on the other, she had locked her front door, so nobody should have been able to enter, or so she thought. She recognised the alpaca standing above her as the optician she’d had a fling with on shift just a few weeks before, none other than Peter Tolliday, and much to her surprise, he was holding a set of keys in his left hand.

“How did you get in here?” she asked, her voice sounding weak. Peter just smiled.

“Do you remember?” he replied. “You gave me a spare set of your keys last week. You said you could always trust me.”

“When did I do that?” she croaked.

“Oh wow, this illness has really hit you hard, hasn’t it?” said Peter, musing over her with concern glowing in his eyes. She looked into his eyes, and she found nothing less than an overwhelming level of care for her. It felt as though she was the most precious thing to him in his world at that very moment.

“Don’t fret about it.” smiled Elizabeth. “All it takes to heal me is your gaze alone.”

“If you’re flirting with me,” grinned Peter, “then maybe it’s working. Perhaps we can try other methods too.”

“What’s my favourite optician thinking, then?” said Elizabeth, just before she let out an almighty sneeze. With that, he helped her to her foot paws and guided her downstairs, before, with what strength she had left, Elizabeth joined him in his tender embrace. It had been a terrible day, but there was something about Peter that seemed to make all of her worries drain away like so much used bath water. His touch felt so soft, so amazing, so tender, beyond any she had known for a long time. Or maybe her nerves were starting to go into overdrive from the illness or his presence, she wasn’t sure which. Whatever the explanation for how she felt in his arms, she didn’t want it to end just yet. And, from the evidence of the way he looked at her now, neither did he. For all she cared, she could spend an eternity there. What a day this was evolving into.

I don’t actually see that many alpaca characters, which I think is quite a shame. But now we have another brought to the table in the form of Jinx and Peter sharing a cuddle together. It seems these two just cannot resist each other. Saetia certainly has an eye for setting the scene. ^^

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