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Manook's Cancer Fund (Please Read) by Alcho

Manook's Cancer Fund (Please Read)


This is the link - the full story with updates is here. If you can't donate, that's absolutely fine, but please, please please share the link with everyone you know - sharing it would mean the world for us both. ->

New update is live - another update coming soon.

I never wanted to have to write something like this. I'll just get to the point. Nook has just been diagnosed with a terminal cancer. He's at Quakertown Animal Hospital as we speak having fluid removed from his lungs. I'm sparing no expense to keep him as comfortable as physically possible while he's there. The downpayment was $1500. I'm not ok. Don't ask. I do need to know if anyone knows how to raise any money - go fund me or something like that - anything. I have 2k into him in the last 3 days now with the appointments and scans and fluid removal. He is only 7, and is a part of me like nothing else. After I lost the one I thought I'd spend forever with, he became even more - an extension of myself. He's what keeps me going from day to day sometimes, and I owe it to him to keep him as pain-free as he can possibly be for the end. I don't know how I'm going to afford it, but I'm going to find a way.

Thank you to everyone who's donated, and to those who have shared multiple times over the days - it really means more to me than I could ever put into words, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart <3

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    Oh my god! I Hope your dog is okay.

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      He's doing well currently, although the diagnosis hasn't changed unfortunately. He's got a little bit of energy, but he's still rather lethargic. I've gotta make him a check up appointment for Monday or Tuesday, to make sure the liquid isn't refilling his lung again. So far though, he's getting a little better. There are daily updates on his gofundme page though, so feel free to check that daily for updates / pictures of his status.