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Libra - Clothing Breakdown by Akysi

Libra - Clothing Breakdown


Hi, I’m back! I realized I hadn’t drawn updated reference for Libra’s outfit so I made this to remedy that. Adding stuff to character designs is always the biggest game of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, so I fiddled with this a lot in the past week as far as the details and colours went. Out of all of the characters, Libra has the most uses of her symbol in her design, as you can probably tell! It gives an ornate/gilded look to her design that I really like.

I’ll do rotations and further breakdowns along with her other reference, but this design is where I want it to be at least. I’m happy with this, but goodness it took me forever. >_< Burnout is hard to manage.

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  • Link

    she looks like a really interesting character~
    i love the combination of this red and gold, it gives her sort of a high class look, and the staff has a great design, despite being very simple. I'm guessing this curve is her symbol?

    Is she part of a guild or cult? The robe gives off a bit of a "religious uniform" vibe :')

    • Link

      Thank you! :D And yes, her symbol is on the bottom left there with her name. She's part of a cast of characters I've made based on the western zodiac, and they each have their symbols incorporated into their designs. :)

      I wanted to give her a look akin to that of a medieval era priestess or a cleric, so definitely not far off from a religious uniform! I'm glad the outfit reads as such. ^_^

      • Link

        ahh I didn't even notice her name in the corner xD
        that's very interesting though! is there a story to her leg?

        • Link

          Yeah! :D Apologies in advance for this getting a bit wordy, I love discussing story stuff, aha. xD

          Design wise, Libra is the only one of the zodiac signs that is represented by an inanimate object, i.e. the scales and the idea of balance in general. When interpreting the signs into characters, I thought this would be an interesting way to incorporate that into her design, and the appearance of the prosthetic itself mimics the bronze metal scales that she has in her chambers, used for assessing the balance of the astral world.

          Libra is a character that takes the idea of balance very literally, valuing order and organization above all else, and working tirelessly to maintain that. She loses her leg in an accident that involved trying to balance the erratic powers of another character that threatened their world, adding a sense of irony to the whole thing. I thought it would be an interesting twist if the character most associated with balance had to reassess that meaning with this new limitation. I specifically chose her leg for this reason, as it affects her individual sense of balance while standing and walking as well. Her design is entirely symmetrical otherwise, putting more emphasis on it.

          • Link

            no problem, wouldn't have asked if I didn't aim for you getting wordy :))
            I do love hearing about other people's character <33

            woah I rly didn't expect this much of a symbolic meaning to it, but I sure am digging it! Ironic twists are the fucking best, man
            How does she feel about her leg? Does she have multiple prosthetics for it?

            • Link

              Glad to hear it, thanks! <3 Honestly one of my favourite parts of character design is adding symbolism into the designs. :’D I find it strengthens the character development overall, and it’s just fun for me in general lol.

              I’d say she has her fair share of reservations about her leg, which is part of the reason why she wears her robe closed so often. It (mostly) covers up that she’s missing one of her legs, and she’s careful about walking as “normally” as possible. She has more or less accepted the limitation and works to move past it, but that part of her backstory links with the main antagonist of this story, so she’s definitely haunted by it still.

              She just has the one prosthetic in terms of design/functionality, but she does have a spare one in case the one she’s using gets lastingly damaged or needs to be replaced. Another one of the signs can forge weapons and armour, so he constructed her leg prosthetic and helps with maintaining it too.

              • Link

                ahh I totally agree! It's a lot of fun uwu

                That quite interesting! Are the signs "special", like are they aware that they resemble these elements or are they just normal people based on these qualities? Do they all know each other?

                • Link

                  Yeah, they’re a pretty fantastical bunch! Here’s what all of them look like together, if you're curious: I’ve tweaked some of the designs since but it gives you a general idea. :) They occupy the Astral Plane, a world amongst the stars independent from but connected to Earth. The zodiac all work together to maintain balance between the worlds. Cassie (the first character in the lineup) is the main protagonist and she can travel between the worlds, while Ophiuchus (the last character in the lineup) is the main antagonist and the “unofficial” thirteenth zodiac sign, bent on revenge against the other 12.

                  • Link

                    oh that's so cool!
                    I'm not that educated on zodiacs so idk which sign is what, but I really like the designs of the blue thunder lady and the very irritated satyr looking pal x3
                    Is Cassie a zodiac as well though? The star does noch feel familiar to me

                    and what does Medusa want revenge for?

                    • Link

                      No worries! I’m really interested in stuff like this so I’ve researched a lot for this series, aha. xD

                      And thank you! :’D The ones you pointed out are Aquarius and Aries. c’: Cassie isn’t a zodiac, but I usually put her in with the zodiac since they’re the main cast. The star in her left eye is called the Starglass, which gives her powers similar to the zodiac.

                      Ophiuchus was originally a sign, but his powers became too unstable for even him to control. Eventually, he was exiled for upsetting the balance of the universe and putting the entire Astral Plane at risk.

                      • Link

                        Oh-asfjkh I thought Ophiuchus was female, my bad :'D
                        What powers do they have?

                        • Link

                          It happens, aha. xD When he was still a sign, Ophiuchus was a highly skilled healer, known for his knowledge of poisons and antidotes as the Astral Plane’s resident apothecary. Over time, his powers of healing actually became too powerful, to the point where he began resurrecting spirits and upsetting the balance of life and death. Even he could not control it, and the excess of a once benevolent power began to corrupt him.

                          • Link

                            I was actually asking abt the powers of all signs :'))
                            But I really like that, I can see that you put a lot of thought and dedication into your characters~
                            it's really cool to have a villain with healing powers!

                            are you planning to make a comic someday or are you already?

                            • Link

                              Oh whoops, sorry! xD The signs in general have light/star energy powers like Cassie does, as well as elemental powers depending on the sign. Fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius), Water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer), Air (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius), and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

                              And yeah! :D I’ve had the project as a whole since 2015, but I started uploading a revamped version of the comic fairly recently. I haven’t been able to update it in a while because of life stuff, but I plan on another update by the end of this month! The first 9 pages of the prologue are up already though, if you want to check it out! ^_^

                              • Link

                                ouhhh nice!
                                I'll follow it with great interest :))

                                • Link

                                  Wow, thank you! I hope you enjoy it. :'D