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NO MORE! (Werewolves Hate Nazi's) by Ryngs

NO MORE! (Werewolves Hate Nazi's)


*"Fallen Empires, should stay in the pages of history. As they fell for a reason."

I tried to get this finished for the Convention but just ran out of time. took me 3 hours to finish it once I got back home. I drew the sketch for some weeks before I got to the painting, inspired by recent events. Should have painted this one bigger...

If its not abundantly clear, I am not a fan of Fascist, Neo-Nazi's, Neo-Confederates, Alt-Right and White Supremacist.

Media: Acrylic on Panel
Size: 8" X 10"
Date: September 2017

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    This is great. Nicely done.

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      Thank you [Bows]

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    This owns so much, from concept to execution
    Well done!

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      Thank you, you flatter me. [Bows]

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    Yeah, screw Nazis.

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      [Chuckles] Blunt, but adequate.

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    Are you a fan of any collectivist totalitarians?

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      Nope. I not really a fan of anything. At the end of the day, I am Apolitical.

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        Yeah politics are all about extremes this days. Communists, Natzies, BLMs Feminists. its all about if you're not with us you're against us and therefor you're evil and need to be punched in the face.

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          I do not consider Fascist a political party, or affiliation. Comparing them to such, is to give them a form of legitimacy. They are thugs with low self esteem issues, not politicians. Nor is their exaltation of racial purity/superiority, and the enslavement, war on, or genocide of any peoples for any reason a political argument.

          To be clear, this piece of art is NOT a political statement. It does not - nor do I - condone any political party in this piece of artistic expression. It is a statement against fascism. Nothing more, nothing less.

          Just saying. [Grin]

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            cool ^_^

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          Methinks you're making a sun-to-moon comparison lumping BLM and Feminists with Nazis (Communists... kinda don't fit in anywhere here really, that's an economy type more than anything else)

          If you boil the three groups down to their cores, Nazis feel that [Group A] > [Group B] and the world should respect that, and even further (basis being WWII) that [Group B] should be annihilated entirely so that [Group A] may reign supreme (white SUPREMEcists)

          Feminists and Black Lives Matter are much closer to each other, their base components being [Group A] is currently < [Group B], the ideal scenario being [Group A] == [Group B]. Generally speaking, they wish to achieve this as peacefully as possible, but in regards to Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, they are not so kind, since those groups have demonstrated a categorical immunity to logic and reasoning, which are the weapons of peaceful protest. This, I feel, is why the whole "Punch Nazis" thing is a thing.

          It's not so much "Either you're for us or you're against us and we'll punch you" as it is "You're for us, neutral and we'd like you to be for us because look at the evidence, you're against us, but ignorant and we'll debate the hell out of you, or you're very loudly against us to the point of siding with terrorists. Diplomacy has failed, time to eat fist."

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            All of those are are Authoritarian Collectivists. (Authoritarians tell people what they should do, how they should think, and how they should speak (Microaggressions, Pronouns, Political Correctness and Privilage are some of their tools). They try to control everyone around them and have authority over them hence they are Authoritarians. They are collectivists because they operate on group mentality. There are no individuals there are only groups. Natzies and BLM use "Race Groups", Feminists use "Gender Groups", Communists use "work groups".) That in itself does not make Authoritarian Collectivists bad or evil that you need to decide on your own and I wouldn't be myself if I didn't make a note here that these are general assumptions about those movements not about individuals.

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              Saying "I don't appreciate being referred to that way" isn't "authoritarian." It's the way civilized people set bounaries for social interaction. All social interactions have boundaries. If both parties in a conversation cannot set boundaries for respect, all interactions are inequitable.

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                There is a difference between asking people to refer to you by your chosen pronoun and demanding people to use your chosen pronoun and punishing them if they do not comply.

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                          This is a private company choosing what types of people they will and won't associate with. That's not "totalitarian."

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                            I'm not saying Totalitarian I'm saying Authoritarian. I know this is a slippery slope falicy but when a company decides what ideas you can hear and what ideas you can express then that company is on the road of becoming a government. Alphabet is making videos they do not like unsearchable. They discourage opinions by taking away peoples livelihoods. Not to mention they have the power to create and quell conflicts before they even happen with their algorithms and AI. Arab spring was caused in large part by Social Media. If political Ideologs take that power they will use it to promote their ideology and silence any other. Yes That ideology might be good but it might not be. It serves to extremify the society and create the notion that anyone to the right of Stalin is a natzi. Who decides who is the natzi in such environment? Anyone who disagrees with the mainstream of course! We will point out the natzis and you shall punch them. Don't get me wrong I hate racist just like the other guy but punching people because they said things or think things you do not agree with is not the right way to go. If they do brake the law if they do commit an actual crime if they threaten a persons life I'll be first in line to deliver them 8000Km long knuckle sandwich. But antagonizing them just because of what they say just gives them moral high-ground and ammo "Look at us we are so oppressed come join us because you might be next!"

                            I know it is a ramble I'm sorry for the wall of text. I am enjoying the conversation ^_^

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                              Wow... You guys are still going?!

                              Not to get drawn in, but I will say, Punching Nazi's is as American as apple pie. So is being apart of a history of racism, slavery, genocide, and for some, being members of hate groups that embrace these concepts.

                              All of these things have consequences. You punch a Nazi, a result is you may go to jail. If you are apart of a hate group, the result is you may get the shit beat out of you by those who despise such, lose your job by a sane human being, run out of a town that decent morals, or disowned by a responsible family member...

                              Everyone has the right to say and do ANYTHING in the US, but your decisions/actions (Heroic or Despicable) have consequences. It is also your right (and I dare say your responsibility; especially if you truly believe in your stance/ideology) to accept those consequences.

                              I however, do not believe in or support for violence. I think diplomacy is a far better tool. Build bridges, not walls.

                              Also, its a misunderstanding that Freedom of Speech covers hate. It does to a point, but speech that incites violence, or defames or damages an individual is actually NOT protected by law. You can be sued into utter ruin for making such speech, and if it warrants the attention of the FBI may result in other forms of ruin. Hate speech rides a VERY thin line. Individuals who cross that line sometimes find them selves and the rest of their lives a pile of smoking crap...

                              As I like to say, "Hate Speech is NOT Free Speech."

                              I know most of this has nothing to do with above comments, just dropping in my thoughts... [Shrug]

                              Have fun [Grin]

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                                So if person A is a member of a hate group (a group of people that hates another group of people)
                                Person B is morally obligated to punch Person A (which is an act of hate) which means that both hates annihilate each other and burst into sunshine rainbows and flowers?

                                Punching people just because you don't like them while they didn't do anything illegal is wrong!

                                If freedom of speech is a podium and a racist walks on to that podium and starts talking racist shit some stupid people will nod to that and join in their ranks.
                                People like ANTIFA would say "We need to stop them from walking on that podium and we will decide who can speak and who can't because we know who is a natzie and who isn't you can trust us on this one"
                                I say that we should educate those "stupid people" so that they have necessary tools to deconstruct natzie propaganda and see the flaws in the logic otherwise you just give them martyr points.

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                                  The world is a messed up place man...

                                  Nazis should not be a thing in the first place. That is not me hating, that is just a factoid... Why anyone would want to associate themselves with the ideology, history and/or symbolism of Fascism (and all that means) is beyond me, and suggests there is something seriously wrong with them mentally.

                                  Like I said, I believe in diplomacy, which means I also believe in redemption. I believe the greatest of sinners, the deepest of evils can be shown a better way, and even in time truly apologize for it. I think Neo-Nazi's are just naive, misguided fools who had no friends, so they found friends where they could. Once you show them the world as it is and not as they have been told it is, many come around.

                                  That also means not letting them organize and recruit new lost souls to their cause. You don't let gasoline spill into a fire. There is a difference between free speech and speech that calls for the genocide, enslavement, and destruction of people, and the attempt to recruit people to that belief. That speech has no place in a civil society. Even if it means losing some freedoms, life is more important...

                                  As I said above, I don't condone violence. There are better ways...

                                  P.S. I can't speak for the AntiFa, I am NOT a member, but if my stance against Fascism puts me in their boat. Then so be it. [Shrug]

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                                    I mostly agree. analogy with fire and gasoline might have been missed but I get what you are saying.
                                    ps. That is exactly the notion that makes more natzies. I know that there are many people some of whom I know personally who think the same way, but from the other side. "If this is what it means to be a natzie so fuck it I'm a natzie!" they say this is what unreasonable show of force totalitarian levels of control do to people. When Pewdiepie said something idiotic on his stream media crushed down on him with force of thunder disregarding any context and the fact that many people use it in day to day lives with no hatred behind it. I am glad to hear you are all about diplomacy and education because this is what we need. Fight prejudice with understanding, evil with good, and racism with knowledge.

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                                      In the last week I have been called a "Communist", a "Terrorist", and an "Antifa" numerous times (oh and dead meat once). All because I posted this work of art. At this point it is irrelevant what my actual beliefs are.

                                      Its like watching an old movie or documentary about WWII where the Nazi's were the bad guys, and lost the war, and then calling the director or the screen writer or the actors "Communist" for making the movie. It is literally the same thing. I am an artist, I made art inspired by both historical and fantastical events, and I got to spend a week being threatened, being insulted, and having my personal beliefs, and politics called into question and judged... Based on this the Monoliths of Neo-Nazism, Alt-Right, White Supremacy, and Fascism are proving to me why they deserve the title and reputations they have. And it has shown me how pervasive and numerous these people have become (still got WAAAAAAYYY more support for posting it then negativity).

                                      Maybe the poor ignorant fools will wake up before they hurt someone, get hurt themselves, or end up in jail. Going through life so fearful, angry and hateful, is literally the worst way to live. You'll make your world appear to be a miserable frightening place (which it is not), and you will alienate those you could have true lasting friendships with. All the greatest of great times, missed. It is a self fulfilling prophecy too. You hate, others will hate you, entrenching you deeper and deeper into your fucked up beliefs. I feel sorry for them, really...

                                      The path out can seem so complicated and even none existent. When its as simple as saying, "I am Sorry." and walking away from seeing others as inferior or different.

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                                        I've never been able to grasp these matters fully as in reality I'm completely lost on how people could be so immensely hateful towards one another, but I agree with your sentiments. Bless you. <3

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                                          Thank you [Bows]

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    Definitely need to make posters of this one!

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      If you had your way, I should make posters of every piece of art I make [Wink]

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    Excellent art and a fine sentiment.

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      Thank you, you honor me [Bows]

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    werewolves have come a long way

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      I see... Never was a huge Rob Zombie fan. I prefer more Gothy/Power metal. With a few exceptions. [Grin]

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    Yep, even the werewolves understand how wrong this is. The werewolf in this painting really makes a good point, I honestly feel like I'd be tearing that flag with him. Us humans and werewolves gotta stand together, you know? Were in 2017, it's time to make a change.

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    Great work.

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      Thank you [Bows]

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    This image makes me proud of my grandfather's both having fought in WW2 against such shitters, and knowing there are those who feel the same towards these guys. A shame that there are so many people loyal to the Nazis, Confederacy, and Soviet Union in the USA now adays...

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      I am glad I could move you. My grandfather also fought in WWII.

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    Happy to favorite this piece twice! Yes!

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      I am honored. [Bows]

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    Well done that werewolf!

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      Indeed. [Grin]

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    I love werewolves! I think they are awesome! And yes, Werewolves HATE Nazi's with all their heart's :)

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      Indeed. [Grin]

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    Nice, good image. New user here and I was very happy to be greeted to the site by seeing this

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      Thank you [Bows]

      And welcome to Weasyl!

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    it really baffles me how anyone could hold such hateful views in this day and age. but i suppose nazis will always exist in some capacity, unfortunately. luckily, the majority of folks out there are good and hate them and all ilk like them.

    at least, that's how i like to view it.

    excellent artwork, thanks for sharing it so everyone could see it.

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    Bravo on this. It is simply fantastic, imagine seeing a badass piece like this as a wartime poster! Hell yeah!!

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    Yes, I hate Nazi

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