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I:TAC - Isla de Helloise map (v. 3.0) by Nasuella

I:TAC - Isla de Helloise map (v. 3.0)


So, here's something a bit different: it's a map for an RPG campaign I run (occasionally), Ironclaw: The Alossaran Crisis. It's a "fan sequel" of sorts to the events of what's closest to the canon storyline, where the High King of the politically unstable nation of Calabria is murdered and chaos erupts as the search for his sole surviving son begins. The Alossaran Crisis takes place about twenty years afterwards, and deals with some of the fallout of that incident... on an archipelago about a month's sail away from Calabria. :P

Anyway, this is version 3 of a map of the island the player-characters start on, Isla de Helloise (named after the not-Jesus of their not-Christianity religion). Most of this was done in a program called AutoREALM, which is a freeware clone of FractalMapper; both of these are programs made to help DMs draw maps for their RPGs.
After drawing out and colouring the initial shapes, they were brought into ArtWeaver (another freeware program) for further work, compilation and resizing. The icons were taken from MapTool, which we use to play our game in. (For the programmers in the audience, it's freeware and the source code is available! ...but it's in Java. >_> )

Further work needs to be done - I need to add roads and names for the different cities, not to mention adding other stuff for towns and villages. Still, this turned out pretty decent-looking, and trust me: it looks MUUUUUUUCH better than version 2. XDD

Submission Information

Visual / Design / Interface