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Thing Imagined Outside the Basement Door by Lone Companion

Thing Imagined Outside the Basement Door

Lone Companion

Related to my cat's spooking me earlier.
This image noted further down the page. "...Imagined some hairy things kinda in the shape of an H with its arms or other legs or whatever way at the top. Imma try to draw this. "

This area at night, and also spooked me was this cat:

This is not a very good sketch in that while somewhat frightening it is not quite the accurate type of frightening. But it had a strong idea from a stronger than usual imaginative experience. It is also as drawn here [Oct 1 2014 Clarification edit: maybe/probably /only/ as drawn here and not in the imagined experience, if I remember right, as the hilariousness seemed to be a product of failed rendering], somewhat hilarious looking. But it does have /some/ key aspect of the kind of fear it caused. And that is progress.

Also this is abstract even for what the thing look-felt like, I can't seem to realistically/visually see the image. It's a feeling-leaving creature that is difficult to look at. A Fear.

The hook shaped thing going behind it was an attempt at putting my note notation in as an object in the image. A ?, near the face to show that this part is too vague to reproduce. But I want it it be non intrusive visually somehow, and partially worked into the picture.

Also drew this with Bathory, Blood Fire Death in the background.


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    I saw something few days ago at the streat it was weird

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    I love the fear analysis in the description. Truly, it can be difficult to properly capture the primal fear left by an imagined creature that is more "wrong" than conventionally terrifying.

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      Thank you, and yea "wrong" might be the type of fear. "Wrongness-fear." I keep thinking of Beksiski when I think of this type of fear. It's like the eerie hair raising kind of fear. Visceral and dream-like/surreal.

      I think the furry H shape might have been somehow related to the shape of a cat that is stretched out and upright. How she may have looked if on the glass. Except it was a different color than she was. And it might have been kinda like, maybe, if a cat were stuffed and its legs were splayed out. The face area seemed to be near the belly, but memory is so dim now I don't even know if "face area" is accurate.

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        I sure had a hard time trying to put a face where I seemed to think a face went.