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Sketchbook Auction by jupiterfox

Sketchbook Auction


Sketchbook Auction!

For a 5' x 8.25' size moleskine sketchbook w/ 80 pages!

This is perfect if you want something original, or if you collect art from other artists during cons!

Artwork ranges from sketches, lineart, pencil crayon drawings, marker drawings and more.


*$25-$35 -->Cover page will include your name and an anthro or feral coloured drawing of your character in pencil crayon and fineliners.

*$35-$45 -->Same as above + a partial background and any props added to the cover page

*$45-$50 -->All of the above + a character or design on the back of the sketchbook in colour

*$50-$60 -->Front and back of sketchbook done + a fullbody sketch and a headshot sketch inside

*$60-$80 --> Front and back of sketchbook done + 3 fullbody sketches w/ one sketch coloured

*$80-$100 -->Front and back of sketchbook done + 2 full colour (copic marker or pencil crayon) fullbody drawings + 2 fullbody sketches

*$100-150 -->Front and back of sketchbook done + 3 full colour fullbody drawings and 3 fullbody/headshot/bust sketches

*150+ -->front and back of sketchbook done + LOTS MORE than mentioned in the option above! We can work out a bunch of different choices!

**YOU MAY MIX AND MATCH FOR CERTAIN OPTIONS (ie. Instead of a fullbody sketch you may want something coloured or include a background, etc,etc.)


-Bid increments of $2 or more!

-SFW or NSFW material can be drawn in the sketchbook!

Auction ends on Tues. September 17th

NOTE: The sketchbook will be worked on over time and is not a rush commission! I want to make quality work for you!

**shipping is extra! In Canada it will be $4, U.S $6, International $8

PLEASE BID HERE: or comment with your bid and I will add it! :)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional