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BW: Rude dragon by Sjru

BW: Rude dragon


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    jee.. D: I recognise the person and liked some of their works before, but after seeing how they treated you when you literally did nothing wrong, I'm not impressed with them. Like hey there's this thing called anger management, I think they should go there. U.U It also sounds like their popularity might of gotten to their head, you get people who think they can be mean and get what they want just because they are popular, I once had a friend like that. they use to be sweet but ever since they got lots of followers, they then became a jerk over something so little and something that could of been easily sorted, so I kinda cut them off and stopped talking to them altogether. •ω•; people like that definitely need therapy or somethin'. :/ I'm sorry you had to deal with that, being around toxic people with anger issues is like walking on eggshells, so I know the feeling all too well. It's not hard to think, meditate, take a deep breath, and be kind. I wish people would do that more. /nay /nmu /su /cf /na

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      wahh thankyou ;w yeah it was a lil while ago but I don't think they changed every so and then I hear some stories hshs

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        no problemo ÚwÙ yeah it looks like you're not alone, I have a feeling karma may show up at some point, but lets hope they learn from their wrongs. I still can't trust bullies tho.. >.<; but yeah, I think it might be a good idea to check reviews of artists and buyers, incase there's any bewares. though then again you also gotta be careful which bewares you should trust, as some are actually smear campaigns disguised as "bewares", I think it's important to watch out for smear campaigns too cos they're bad :< unfortunately I've been smeared and framed before because I stood up to bullies, I found a good article describing how harmful smear campaigns actually are, I hope this helps answer some questions!

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          nodnod they're very harmful, sorry yo ugot smeared too I did before too it's shitty , ity's easier to just read something and take things at face value than to just think over things but oh well :c

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            yeahh.. really sorry to hear you got smeared and framed aswell :< it's not fun but dw you're not alone, I know it all too well and know how you feel. I don't wanna be anything like those traitors who stab friends in the back just because they heard fake rumours about them, nope. If someone talked trash about my friends I would rather listen to my own friends for the truth instead of listening to some complete stranger I don't know for their lies. /nay if I was unsure, I would ask the friend, but I wouldn't betray because betrayal is wrong and thanks to that, I have trust issues now D: but yeahh it's a rough world out there, best be safe! :< /fr /su /cf /nmu

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              yeah I had some 'friends' that just outright instead of talking chose to just leave and stuff and betray it sucks wah :c

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                I feel that, I been there too many times before :< You get those nasty little traitors disguised as so called "friends" who are really only looking for a way to turn against you, not to mention the more problematic ones not only side with the manipulator/narcissist but they become their flying monkey aswell D: I'm just glad I rather not be like them and prefer those who actually talk and reason with friends, unlike the fakeys out there. There's not enough honesty, genuineness, and true friendship in this world, people value love and family when friendship is really just as important :< so I totally agree, backstabbers suck, like where's all the real genuine people at y'know? D: /fr /cf /nbr

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                  nodnod I like friendship n stuff =3

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                    me too, friendship is everything ^-^