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Welp, vanished for a few weeks... Time for a Life Update! by Cyph3r

As always, big thanks to keirajo for the idea and continued support and interaction. x3

ANYWAYS, UPDATE ON LIFE AND THINGS! So I said I'd be showing/saying gifts that I got for my birthday. I only received one piece of B-day art, BUT it's very very adorable. It's by keirajo and is called Gift for Cyph3r, and is of my character Cicilia.

Other B-day loot includes a 50 dollar PSN card, which I quickly blew 20 bucks on "God Eater Resurrection" for my Vita, and then 10 bucks for "LittleBigPlanet 3" for my PS3, and final 20 on "Ratchet & Clank Collection", again for PS3. As well as some games on Steam were given to me. A friend gave me "God Eater 2 Rage Burst", which also gave me "God Eater Resurrection" for my Steam account, although NEITHER game will play on my computer for some reason... It starts, goes fullscreen, then it's black screen, blue screen, then crash... Yeah, I dunno... ANYWAYS I did get a couple other gifts on Steam, another friend gave me "Broforce" and "Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut"... And I'm... Hoping... That today I get a NEW model 3DSXL, the charger for, and "Pokemon Omega Ruby". 83

Other news includes... My wrist being super fucked lately... I can't draw for shit at the moment without my wrist hurting and it's bothering me. Can't even find my compression glove currently... Argh... Either way... Been a fair month so far.

Welp, vanished for a few weeks... Time for a Life Update!


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  • Link

    I almost got the "God-Eater" one on the Vita, except I don't have enough memory and...........I can't figure out where the memory card is at. XD

    How is it? :)

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      If you like Monster Hunter, it's a bit like that, cept... More sci-fi Fantasy and less Fantasy Fantasy. And it's good if you have a grinding/collecting itch.

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        I love level-grinding! XD We'll put it this way........I've spent about 200 hours with "Disgaea 5" and I've not finished the game yet. ;)

        I was curious about the series after seeing the characters in the "Project X-Zone" games. :)