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Furnal Equinox 2016: a belated con report by rkniner

Okay, wow, took me long enough to do this... Was still dealing with the PCD and con crud and trying to get healthy again.

Short version: FE2016 was awesome!

Slightly longer version: FE2016 was a blast, and I can't wait until next year!

Full version:

As some readers might already know, Furnal Equinox is the annual Toronto furry con, held in March and now in its 7th year. As my "home con", I always make a point of going and having a good time; I live close enough to commute in and out every day, so I save on the hotel and plane travel right off the bat. Even if it means missing most of the dances, which I tend not to enjoy anyways (at any con)...

This was also my first FE after moving into my condo right on the subway, effectively halving my TTC commute time. Even with the subway closure the same weekend, the trip was faster than I remembered.

I arrived half an hour before registration was scheduled to open, and the lineup was HUGE. Fortunately, I remembered to pre-reg, so I was able to squeeze through to that line (also similarly long, but manageable). Fursuit, board games, and extra supplies in tow, I got in at the back of the line.

A few minutes later, consec got involved and split the pre-reg line into sponsors and attendees, an idea that, while it sounded good on paper, didn't really suit the space or staffing level. In the confusion, I managed to get closer to the front, but it took a long time to get my badge because registration staff were busy getting the lower-tier lines moving.

Eventually, I got through the biggest hiccup of the weekend, dropped off my board games (apparently, Terror in Meeple City got a decent amount of playtime) and suited up for opening ceremonies.

Between lunch at the hotel restaurant, "supper" at the tea social, and a trip to the photobooth, I spent the day socializing, suiting, signing up for the fursuit games and playing board games. Friday's always been a slower day; the best events are always on the weekend proper.

We left around 10 so we could get enough sleep for the marathon the next day.

Returning to the con at 9 the next morning, I decided to pass by the early morning Jeopardy game, eventually getting drawn into it and winning second place. I followed with light suiting, a quick lunch, and then suiting up a second time for the fursuit games.

Unlike last year, I handled myself a lot better in this year's event. The ballpit basketball game seemed to work better than the hungry hippos from last year, and my team won all three games. I'm waiting eagerly for the games to get posted on Youtube so I can enjoy them even more.

By the time the event was done, we all returned to the headless lounge to cool off for the hour before the parade. I spent that time socializing, not stepping foot outside until it was almost time for the group photo. Returning to the main event room and suiting up, I went through the parade, and finished by returning to the headless lounge to dry out my suit and cool off again.

Putting everything away, I watched the masquerade and grabbed supper in plans we kept revising until we wound up at the buffet across the street (and were sat near another group of friends, because we basically took over all the restaurants in the area).

I spent the evening at furry improv, then did some brief suiting at the dances (but not too much). I got home much later that night, but with Sunday morning plans less filled, that was fine.

Sunday morning, we returned to the hotel, and I finally redeemed my brunch voucher, eventually socializing with staff at the small tables near the windows of the restaurant. My plans were simple: a little suiting, watch the dance competition, and suit some more until supper. It went off without a hitch, and we returned for closing ceremonies.

This year, FE pulled in 1322 attendees, including 328 suiters in the group photo/parade. Contrasting that with the 750 the first year FE was at that hotel (which already felt crowded) made the con feel huge. So with little surprise, they're moving downtown next year (shaving even more time off my commute).

I'm not sure what to do for the rock 'n' roll theme, but I still can't wait for next year!

Furnal Equinox 2016: a belated con report


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